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Photo of Holy Goat Creamery up on a hill surrounded by grass

Holy Goat Creamery

It all started with a hobby...and goats...

Holy Goat Creamery - Dr BennetThe seed was planted on a weekend getaway cheese-making excursion in 2005.

I spent my career building and running a private OB/GYN practice. With retirement in sight, I began to consider "what's next?". After a cheese-making weekend, my interest in the process was sparked and my research began. I continued to make my own goat cheese at home, but I discovered quickly that finding clean, reliable goat's milk was a big challenge. I also found that the product was very expensive, and I began considering the idea of raising the goats myself and producing a farmstead product instead. 

I spent the next few years wrapping up my OB career, and developing the plan for the farm and the creamery. Using my experiences visiting other goat facilities and learning to perfect my husbandry skills, how to ensure the health and safety of the animals, as well as maintain the quality of the milk and cheese products - my years of planning and preparation were finally realized.

Beginning in 2014, work began designing and building a Grade A dairy facility. Construction was completed in mid-2016, and our first kidding occurred in February-March 2017.  

In many respects, my medical experience has been invaluable. The genetics, breeding, labor and delivery and lactation phases of goat management are not much different from my own practice in humans. 

My retirement goal was to enter a new lifestyle, which would challenge me physically as well as intellectually.
The Holy Goat Creamery at Arch Angel Farm has become that dream, realized.